外国学生入学申请表 | |||
Application Form for International Students | |||
①护照姓 | ②护照名 | ||
| ||
③本国语言姓 | ④本国语言名 | ||
| ||
⑤性别 | ⑥国籍 | ⑦护照号码 | ⑧护照有效期 |
¨男Male ¨女Female |
⑨健康状况 | ⑩出生日期 | ⑪ 出生地点 | ⑫ 宗教信仰 |
⑬ 文化程度 Highest Education level | ⑭ 婚姻状况Marital Status | ||
¨专升本Upgrade from junior college to university ¨本科生 Undergraduate□ ¨ 其他 Other ___________ | ¨已婚Married ¨未婚Unmarried | ||
⑮本国身份证号码 Citizenship Number | ⑯母语 Native Language | ||
| ||
⑰硕士毕业学校及专业 | ⑱本科毕业院校及专业 Bachelor Graduate School and Major | ⑲高中毕业院校 | |
| |
⑳家庭地址 Home Address(must be address of your motherland) | ㉑电子信箱E-mail | ||
| ||
㉒家庭电话(Home TEL :) | ㉓现有汉语水平 | ||
| ¨初级Junior ¨一般Average ¨好Good HSK Band | ||
㉔英语水平 | ㉕过往在中国停留期限及学习经历 | ||
| ||
㉖拟入学时间 | ㉗职业 | ㉘推荐单位和电话 Recommend School and telephone Numbers | |
| |
㉙申请学习的专业及层次 | |||
| |||
㉚申请授课语言 Teaching Language that you apply | |||
¨中文Chinese ¨英文English ¨中英双语Chinese&English | |||
申请人保证:I hereby affirm that: | |||
申请人在递交申请表的同时请递交申请材料至邮箱 |
| 申请材料如下: | 確認提供(R/£) |
1 | 高中毕业或同等学历证明。应届毕业生可先提供由所在高中开具的预毕业证明; | £ |
2 | 护照信息页(有效期大于6个月); | £ |
3 | 自述信(本人签字);推荐信两封,其中至少一封为所在高中任课教师提供(推荐人签字); | £ |
4 | 学业水平证明:高中成绩单(含高中阶段所有课程)或同等高中学历以上; | £ |
5 | 语言水平证明:(中文或英文择一即可) | £ |
| (1)汉语水平证明。以下材料至少提供一项: |
| (A)HSK成绩(HSK 4级≥200分,其中书写≥60分或HSK 5级≥180分,其中书写≥60分); |
| (B)中文为母语的说明; |
| (C)广东工商职业技术大学汉语补习申请书(仅适用于有条件录取参考)。 |
| (2)英语水平证明。以下材料至少提供一项: |
| (A)托福TOEFL成绩(总分≥80分,写作≥20分; code: D070); |
| (B)雅思IELTS成绩(总分≥5.5分,写作≥5.5); |
| (C)其他(如:母语为英语的说明、三年以上全英文授课学习经历的说明等);不能提供标准化英语测试证明的,需参加学校组织的英语测试。 |
6 | 8.出生证明 | £ |
7 | 9.截至2023年8月29日(含)未满18周岁的申请人,提供在华监护人保证书(需我校认可的公证件)。 | £ |
8 | 10.经济存款证明,存款不少于2万元人民币或等额外币。 | £ |
9 | 11.获奖证书(如果有)。 | £ |
10 | 12.其它需要说明的材料。 | £ |
| 注:以上所有申请材料若非中文或英文,须提供经公证后的中文或英文翻译件。 |
| 申请阶段无需邮寄纸质申请材料。 |
English( Choose one copy in both Chinese and English to fill in )
| Preparation list | Confirmation provided (R/£) |
1 | Proof of high school graduation or equivalent. Fresh graduates may first provide a pre-graduation certificate issued by their high school; | £ |
2 | Passport information page (valid for more than 6 months); | £ |
3 | Self-reported letter (signed by the person); two letters of recommendation, at least one of which is from the teacher of the high school in which the person is teaching (signed by the recommender); | £ |
4 | Proof of academic level: high school transcripts (including all courses at the high school level) or equivalent high school diploma or higher; | £ |
5 | Proof of language proficiency: (either Chinese or English is acceptable) | £ |
| (1) Proof of Chinese language proficiency. Provide at least one of the following documents: |
| (A) HSK score (HSK Level 4 ≥ 200 with ≥ 60 in writing or HSK Level 5 ≥ 180 with ≥ 60 in writing); |
| (B) Instructions for Chinese as a native language; |
| (C) Application for Chinese Language Supplementary Study at Guangdong University of Technology for Industry and Commerce (only applicable to those with conditional admission reference) |
| (2) Proof of English proficiency. Provide at least one of the following documents: |
| (A) TOEFL score (total score ≥ 80, writing ≥ 20; code: D070); |
| (B) IELTS score (total score ≥ 5.5, writing ≥ 5.5); |
| (C) Other (e.g., a statement that the native language is English, a statement of at least three years of study experience in full English instruction, etc.); those who cannot provide proof of a standardized English test are required to take an English test organized by the school. |
6 | Birth certificate | £ |
7 | Applicants who are under 18 years old as of August 29, 2023 (inclusive), provide a letter of guarantee from their guardian in China (a notarized document approved by our university is required). | £ |
8 | Proof of financial deposit of at least 20,000 RMB or equivalent in foreign currency. | £ |
9 | Award certificate (if any). | £ |
10 | Other materials that need to be described. | £ |
| Note: 1.If all the above application documents are not in Chinese or English, a notarized translation into Chinese or English must be provided. |
| 2.No paper application materials need to be mailed during the application phase. |
自荐信 CV& self-recommendation letter
推荐信1 Recommendation1
推荐信2 Recommendation2